Why are there discrepancies between location data on the Argos platform and Ecotopia platform?
You may have noticed discrepancies in the location data of a device between the Argos platform and the Ecotopia platform:
Coordinates: There are no instances where the coordinates of a single device match between the Argos platform and the Ecotopia platform.
Timestamps: The timestamps for data downloaded from Ecotopia are consistent and follow a fixed GNSS interval. However, the timestamps for data from the Argos website do not show any recognizable pattern.
For Druid's GNSS/Argos models, the discrepancies between the 2 platforms arise from the different methods of data collection and transmission:
Ecotopia Platform: The data is GNSS-based, collected at regular intervals via GNSS satellites, and then transmitted via Argos satellites. This results in regular timestamps for data under each transmission session.
Argos Platform: The data is Doppler-based, generated from Argos transmissions instead of GNSS satellites. Since Argos transmissions depend on satellite passes, the intervals are irregular.
Click here to know more about how Druid's GNSS/Argos models work.