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Edge Intelligence Instruction

Edge Intelligence empowers on-board decision-making for dynamic work scheduling, utilizing variables such as geofence, voltage levels, time range, speed, ODBA, temperature, and wet/dry, etc.

Device Compatibility

Devices with firmware version 1006 and higher support Edge Intelligence feature. For devices running firmware versions below 1006, please reach out to [email protected] to explore the possibility of firmware upgrading.

To verify the firmware version of your device, utilize the INTELINK function within the Ecotopia App to establish a connection. The firmware version is displayed on INTELINK page, as illustrated below.

Enable Edge Intelligence

Before proceeding, ensure that the Edge Intelligence feature is enabled. Click here to know how.


Priority of Basic Setting and Edge Intelligence Setting

  • When a setting item is enabled and has already been set in Basic Setting and it is included in an Edge Intelligence rule, if the Edge Intelligence rule is triggered, this setting item works according to the Edge Intelligence setting.

  • When a setting item is enabled and has already been set in Basic Setting and it is not included in any Edge Intelligence rule, if any Edge Intelligence rule is triggered, this setting item is not influenced and works according to the Basic setting.

  • When a setting item is disabled in Basic Setting and it is included in an Edge Intelligence rule, if the Edge Intelligence rule is triggered, this setting item works according to the Edge Intelligence setting.

  • When a setting item is disabled in Basic Setting and it is not included in any Edge Intelligence rule, if any Edge Intelligence rule is triggered, this setting item remains disabled and doesn’t work.

Priority of Rules within Edge Intelligence Setting: Order of Rules

The order of Rules, from left to right, holds significant importance as it dictates their priority. You have the flexibility to adjust the sequence of Rules as necessary.

Here's a breakdown of how the system operates:

  1. The device keeps checking the Conditions of all Rules systematically, one by one, proceeding from left to right, to determine if they are met. Rules with fulfilled Conditions are selected, while those whose conditions are not met are disregarded.

  2. Subsequently, the device scrutinizes the Actions of the selected Rules, again from left to right, to check for conflicts. In case an Action item possesses conflicting settings across selected Rules, the settings of the Action item in the last Rule take precedence. If an Action item exists solely in one Rule, it is applied without contention.


When assessing whether the Condition of a Rule is met, the device check the value of Variables associated with that Condition. It's important to note that Variable values are not updated in real time. Instead, their updating frequency is determined by both the user's data collection interval settings and the system's default settings.

Here's how the updating intervals are configured for specific Variables:

  • Voltage: Voltage values can be updated through two methods: environment data collection and system default settings. Under 4.0V, the system defaults to a 5-minute update interval, while above 4.0V, it switches to a 1-minute interval. If environment data collection is disabled, only the system default settings apply.

  • Temperature: Temperature values can also be updated through environment data collection and system default settings. The default update interval is set to 1 hour. If environment data collection is deactivated, only the system default setting is utilized.

  • Speed: Speed values are updated exclusively through GNSS data collection. If GNSS data collection is turned off, this Variable becomes inactive.

  • Time Range: Time range values are updated based on the system's default setting, with an interval of 8 seconds.

  • Geo-Fence: Geo-fence values rely on GNSS data collection for updates. If GNSS data collection is disabled, this Variable becomes inactive.

  • Activity: Activity values are updated through ODBA data collection. If ODBA data collection is disabled, this Variable becomes inactive.


Please refer to the provided Edge Intelligence setting templates. Additionally, feel free to customize the Edge Intelligence settings according to your specific requirements.
