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How does DEBUT HUB work?

Similar to other DEBUT devices, DEBUT HUB has the capability to collect and transmit GNSS data and environmental data, etc. Additionally, it incorporates two advanced features:

  1. Smart Station Functionality
    The HUB can function as a smart station when deployed in the field, a crucial feature for models relying solely on Intelink transmission, such as NANO. Once an animal equipped with a device enters the Intelink range of the HUB, the system seamlessly executes the following operations automatically.

    • Download data from a device
      The data will be downloaded immediately from the device to the HUB. The downloaded data is then uploaded to the server during the HUB's subsequent transmission session.
      After data download, if the device remains within the HUB's range, the HUB will "remember" the device and pause data downloading for a default set period to save power.
      In areas without a cellular network, all downloaded data is stored in the HUB's memory. You can move the HUB to an area with cellular coverage for automatic data upload during the next transmission session. Alternatively, you can download the data via the Ecotopia App to your phone from the HUB and upload it from your phone to the server using the phone's internet connection.
    • Deliver settings to a device
      After modifying the setting of a DEBUT device on the Ecotopia data center or App, the HUB will get the new setting from the server directly during its transmission session or indirectly when you deliver the setting to the HUB via the Ecotopia App. The new setting will then be delivered to the DEBUT device when the device enters the HUB's range.
    • Record the enter/exit of a device (beacon data)
      A HUB can detect a device's enter/exit of its range and keep a record as beacon data. If you need this feature, please contact us.
  2. Mobile Relay Functionality
    HUB can work as a relay to extend the connection distance between Ecotopia App and other DEBUT devices, making fieldwork more convenient. Click here to know how.


  • For HUB to "recognize" devices and executes above operations to the devices, you must add the devices to the whitelist of HUB on Ecotopia. The white list info will be applied by the HUB in its upcoming transmission session or once you deliver settings to the HUB using the Ecotopia App. For more information, see Adding terminal to HUB.
    No action is required for the devices.

  • HUB can be set to Super Mode so that it can download data from all DRUID's devices. Other users will know about your kind help through a notification on Ecotopia. Please contact us to do the setting change for you.

The image below shows the data flow among DEBUT HUB, DEBUT devices and the server.

Please click here to get more information.
