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How to obtain acceleration raw data? Can I set the collecting interval?

Now there are two ways to obtain the acceleration raw data:

  1. You can use Ecotopia App to obtain real time acceleration raw data using INTELINK. The obtained data will be stored to your mobile phone. For more information, see Data tagging.
  2. DEBUT devices collect the acceleration raw data according to the settings and save the data to the device storage, then transmit the data to our cloud server through INTELINK, cellular network or satellite.

The sensor we use to collect the acceleration data is 3-axis accelerometer with a collecting frequency of 25 Hz, which means that each axis will collect 25 pieces of data per second. Since the sensitivity of the 3-axis accelerometer is affected by the temperature, the actual collecting frequency varies from 24 Hz to 26 Hz. To avoid a large burden on data storage and transmission, the 3-axis accelerometer usually collects data in interval mode. The minimum collection interval is 1.5 seconds / minute. For example:

  • If the collecting interval is set to 1.5 seconds / minute, each of the 3 axes collect 36 ~ 39 pieces of data every minute. In 24 hours, the 3-axis accelerometer can generate over 160,000 pieces of data. With this setting, the device can store the acceleration raw data for about 10 days.
  • If the collecting interval is set to 3 seconds / 10 minute, each of the 3 axes collect 72 ~ 78 pieces of data every minute. In 24 hours, the 3-axis accelerometer can generate over 30,000 pieces of data. With this setting, the device can store the acceleration raw data for about 50 days.

As you can see, the 3-axis accelerometer can generate a huge amount of data if not set properly and thus can put excessive pressure on the data storage, data transmission and energy consumption of the device. Therefore, the acceleration raw data related settings are not available on user center and app. If you do have the needs to adjust the setting, please contact [email protected].

Note: DEBUT devices store acceleration raw data in a separate sector, which does not affect the storage of other data.
