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Why too short working intervals should be avoided?

Too short working intervals, e.g., 1 hour for transmission or 5 minutes for GNSS, is designed for device test purpose. When drastic battery drop happens, you can re-charge the battery as the device is at your hand.

However, when a device is deployed to an animal, please refrain from too frequent working intervals, for 2 reasons:

  • Drastic battery drain can happen, which will lead to missing important data and losing communication. And lighting condition is unpredictable in the wild, which means you don’t know when the battery will go up. So, too frequent working interval is very risky.
  • BOOST can help you realize frequent working interval intelligently and protect the device from battery drain. So, too frequent working interval is not necessary.

Generally, it is suggested to use Standard setting, or make the transmission interval longer (if you are not in urgent need of data transmission) so you have more battery for data.
