Csv Field Explanation
The table below gives the explanations to the data fields of the exported CSV data.
Data field | Explanation |
SN | Serial Number. |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier, a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems. |
Transmitting time | Time the device communicates with the server, accurate to milliseconds. |
Collecting time | Time the device collects data, accurate to seconds. |
Longitude | Longitude of the GNSS fix in degrees, accurate to 7 decimal places. |
Latitude | Latitude of the GNSS fix in degrees, accurate to 7 decimal places. |
Altitude | Altitude of the GNSS fix in meters, accurate to 1 decimal places. It is calculated considering mean sea level. |
Altitude (Ellipsoid) | Altitude (Ellipsoid) height of the GNSS fix in meters, accurate to 1 decimal place. It is calculated considering the ellipsoid. |
Speed | Instantaneous speed of the device in m/s. |
North Speed | The speed at which the device moves northward in the Local Tangent Plane Coordinates (LTPC), measured in m/s. When the value of the north speed is negative, it indicates that the device is moving southward. |
East Speed | The speed at which the device moves eastward in the Local Tangent Plane Coordinates (LTPC), measured in m/s. When the value of the east speed is negative, it indicates that the device is moving westward. |
Down Speed | The speed at which the device moves downward in the Local Tangent Plane Coordinates (LTPC), measured in m/s. When the value of the down speed is negative, it indicates that the device is moving upward. |
Course | The angle between the clockwise direction from the north and the movement direction of the device. The value range is 0 ~ 359.9, where 0 means the device moves towards north. |
Satellite used | Number of satellites connected for positioning. |
Positioning mode | Valid values are 0, 1, and 2, where 0 represents a failed positioning, 1 represents 2D positioning, 2 represents 3D positioning. |
HorAccuracy | Index of horizonal accuracy of GNSS positioning. Lower value indicates that the positioning is more accurate. |
VerAccuracy | Index of vertical accuracy of GNSS positioning. Lower value indicates that the positioning is more accurate. |
HDOP | Index of horizonal accuracy of GNSS positioning. Lower value indicates that the positioning is more accurate. |
VDOP | Index of vertical accuracy of GNSS positioning. Lower value indicates that the positioning is more accurate. |
GNSS time consumption | Time spent in one positioning session in seconds. |
Data Source | Modes of data collecting. Valid values are 1, 2, and 4, where 1 represents scheduled collecting, 2 represents dynamic collecting (BOOST data triggered by voltage), 4 represents in-flight collecting (BOOST data triggered by movement speed). There can be multiple values for Data Source. |
Note: HorAccuracy and HDOP both indicate the horizonal accuracy of GNSS positioning. VerAccuracy and VDOP both indicate the vertical accuracy of GNSS positioning. Devices that support INTELINK (such as MINI, NANO, OMNI and some of LEGO) use HDOP and VDOP to indicate GNSS accuracy. Devices that do not support INTELINK (such as FLEX and some of LEGO) use HorAccuracy and VerAccuracy to indicate GNSS accuracy. Each model will only use one type of these values. You can ignore another value type according to your device model.
Environment Data
Data field | Explanation |
SN | Serial Number. |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier, a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems. |
Transmitting time | Time the device communicates with the server, accurate to milliseconds. |
Collecting time | Time the device collects data, accurate to seconds. |
Temperature | Environment temperature in Celsius, accurate to 1 decimal place. |
Light intensity | Light intensity in lx. |
Voltage | Voltage of the device battery in volts, accurate to 3 decimal places. |
Air pressure | Internal air pressure of the device in hPa. |
Data Source | Modes of data collecting. Valid values are 1, 2, and 4, where 1 represents scheduled collecting, 2 represents dynamic collecting, 4 represents in-flight collecting. |
Data field | Explanation |
SN | Serial Number. |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier, a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems. |
Transmitting time | Time the device communicates with the server, accurate to milliseconds. |
Collecting time | Time the device collects data, accurate to seconds. |
ODBA | ODBA value calculated by the device. A higher value indicates that the animal is more active. |
Acceleration Data
Data field | Explanation |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier, a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems. |
Transmitting time | Time the device communicates with the server, accurate to milliseconds. |
Collecting time | Time the device collects data. If the sampling frequency is less than 1 Hz, the collecting time is accurate to seconds; if the sampling frequency is higher than 1 Hz, the collecting time is accurate to milliseconds. |
X | Value of X-axis in 1/1024 g on the three-axis acceleration sensor. |
Y | Value of Y-axis in 1/1024 g on the three-axis acceleration sensor. |
Z | Value of Z-axis in 1/1024 g on the three-axis acceleration sensor. |
Note: The measuring range of FLEX and some models of LEGO is -2 g ~ 2 g. The measuring range of MINI, NANO, OMNI and some models of LEGO is -4 g ~ 4 g.
Base Station Data
Data field | Explanation |
SN | Serial Number. |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier, a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems. |
Transmitting time | Time the device communicates with the server, accurate to milliseconds. |
Collecting time | Time the device collects data, accurate to seconds. |
Longitude | Longitude of the BSS fix in degrees, accurate to 7 decimal places. |
Latitude | Latitude of the BSS fix in degrees, accurate to 7 decimal places. |
Accuracy | The accuracy of the estimated location, in meters. This represents the radius of a circle around the given location. |
Base station used | Number of connected base stations in the positioning session. |
Argos Location Data
Data field | Explanation |
Transmitting time | Time the device communicates with the server, accurate to milliseconds. |
Collecting time | Time the device collects data, accurate to seconds. |
Longitude | Longitude of the Argos fix in degrees, accurate to 7 decimal places. |
Latitude | Latitude of the Argos fix in degrees, accurate to 7 decimal places. |
Altitude | Altitude of the Argos fix in meters. |
Speed | Instantaneous speed of the device in m/s. |
Argos Summary Data
Data field | Explanation |
Transmitting time | Time the device communicates with the server, accurate to milliseconds. |
Collecting time | Time the device collects data, accurate to seconds. |
Temperature | Environment temperature in Celsius, accurate to 1 decimal place. |
Light intensity | Light intensity in lx. |
Voltage | Voltage of the device battery in volts, accurate to 3 decimal places. |
ODBA | ODBA value calculated by the device. A higher value indicates that the animal is more active. |
Intelink Summary Data
Data field | Explanation |
Gateway UUID | UUID of the gateway that collects the data from the terminal. |
Transmitting time | Time the gateway communicates with the server, accurate to milliseconds. |
Collecting time | Time the gateway collects data from the terminal, accurate to seconds. |
Voltage | Voltage of the terminal device battery in volts, accurate to 3 decimal places. |
Temperature | Environment temperature of the terminal in Celsius, accurate to 1 decimal place. |
Signal strength | Signal strength in dBm between the gateway and the terminal. |
ODBA | ODBA value calculated by the terminal. A higher value indicates that the animal is more active. |