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What do different colors of device number and icons mean?

The device number and icons are as follows:

  • Device identifier
    Ecotopia data center uses 3 different colors of device identifier to indicate different data subscription status:
  • Battery
    Ecotopia data center uses different colors of battery icon to indicate different voltages:
    For FLEX and LEGO:
    • icon indicates that the voltage of the device battery is higher than or equal to 3.95 V.
    • icon indicates that the voltage of the device battery is higher than or equal to 3.8 V and is lower than 3.95 V.
    • icon indicates that the voltage of the device battery is lower than 3.8 V.
    • icon indicates that the voltage of the device battery is unknown.

- icon indicates that the voltage of the device battery is higher than or equal to 4.0 V. - icon indicates that the voltage of the device battery is higher than or equal to 3.9 V and is lower than 4.0 V. - icon indicates that the voltage of the device battery is lower than 3.9 V. - icon indicates that the voltage of the device battery is unknown.

  • Temperature
    Ecotopia data center uses different colors of temperation icon to indicate different temperature ranges:
    • icon indicates that the temperature of the environment where the device is located is higher than or equal to 60°C.
    • icon indicates that the temperature of the environment where the device is located is higher than or equal to 30°C and lower than 60℃.
    • icon indicates that the temperature of the environment where the device is located is higher than or equal to 5°C and lower than 30℃.
    • icon indicates that the temperature of the environment where the device is located is higher than or equal to -5°C and lower than 5℃.
    • icon indicates that the temperature of the environment where the device is located is lower than -5℃.
    • icon indicates that the temperature of the environment where the device is located is unknown.
  • Warning
    If the ODBA of the device has been low for three consecutive hours when the device communicates with the server for the last time, icon is displayed to indicate that the animal wearing the device may be dead, or the device may have fallen from the animal. The icon is usually displayed for an undeployed device because a device is usually still during the test. When the device is deployed and data is updated, the icon will be gone automatically.
    Note: A warning indicates a highly possible death or device fall, which may need further analysis to confirm.
  • SMS transmission
    If the device transmits the data via SMS for the last time, icon is displayed. If not, this icon is not displayed.
  • Updating status
    Updating status shows the status of GNSS data (GNSS), Environment data (ENV) and ODBA with green and grey color.
    • GNSS
      If the latest GNSS data is valid and the interval between the GNSS collecting time and the lastest transmitting time is less than or equal to 30 minutes, the icon is green. Otherwise, it is grey.
    • ENV
      If the interval between the leatest ENV collecting time and the lastest transmitting time is less than or equal to 30 minutes, the icon is green. Otherwise, it is grey.
    • ODBA
      If the interval between the latest ODBA collecting time and the lastest transmitting time is less than or equal to 30 minutes and the user have subscribed ODBA, the icon is green. Otherwise, it is grey.
