Using Relay Devices
When you want to perform INTELINK operations to a terminal device in Ecotopia App, the terminal device should be within the INTELINK range of your mobile phone. If it is not, you will need a relay device to extend the INTELINK range between your phone and the terminal device. A relay device can be a gateway (DEBUT HUB, DEBUT TAG G) or a DEBUT QUEST.
Before you start, make sure that both the terminal device and the gateway are under the same account or in the same group of Device Collaboration.
Note: QUEST doesn’t need to be under the same account with the terminal device or in the same group of Device Collaboration.
Tap icon on Ecotopia App to see all devices under the account or group.
The devices are divided into three types, terminal, gateway and QUEST.App will immediately begin to detect nearby terminal devices both directly and via the relay automatically at the same time.
Either way, the devices detected is in highlighted color while the devices not detected is in grey.
For a detected terminal device, a icon indicates that the terminal device is detected by a gateway device, and a icon indicates that the terminal device is detected by a QUEST.Tap to select one terminal device, or tap and hold to select multiple devices for further INTELINK operations. The connection between App and the terminal device will be direct or via a relay as were in Step 2 accordingly.
Alternatively, you can tap Gateway or QUEST tab to view the available relay device. Select a relay and then tap Nearby Terminals to scan nearby terminal through the relay. A icon indicates that App is connected to this relay and is detecting nearby devices through it.